Taurus Monthly Horoscope April 2009 | Astrology Zodiac Sign: Taurus

(Apr 19 - May 20)

April 2009 begins on a deliciously possessive note. You see it - you want it, him, her, them, whatever. You're as voracious as Samantha in Sex in the City - and just as willing to cover your naked body in spellbinding locations with expertly prepared sushi. There just aren't enough Taureans in the world to satisfy the global hunger for you spectacular dirty love. Come out of your hiding place and show us what you got - share the love, dammit!

You have one hell of a chance to demonstrate exactly how original sin is supposed to be conducted, 21st century style, especially on April 9th's fat, sassy Full Moon. All you need in addition to a sushi chef is a comfy table to rest your body upon and lots of hungry, eager big bad wolves. Make the world a happier place the way only a bull can. And what a surprise: You make a sweet, almost saccharine turn for fluffy, frilly, feminine romance. You won't go down the mean,clean streets of June Cleaver, but you will mimic a little Martha Stewart.

The 15th, however, brings back your Harley fatboy vibe - oh, yummy. Put on your jeans, boots, helmet and chains and travel in a pack of bad girls. You are such a wild thing on the 15th - dangerous, too. Who says girls don’t fight? You and I know better than that. Interestingly enough, you mellow out, sort of PeeWee Herman style at the biker bar and become everyone's favorite toy. On the 17th, your ruling baked-and-buttered-in-lust ruling planet Venus goes direct, making you obscenely ravenous for action. Ditch the flatliner duds without anything firmer than a soft sponge and start looking for real men. They're out there and they're getting ready to knock on your door, Bull Princess. Speaking of princesses, you're about to celebrate a month long of crazy, wild birthdays beginning on the 19th - Happy Birthday, Bulls!!

Venus conjoins Mars and gets a boost from unpredictable Uranus, adding to the allure, seduction, and your undefeated title as party girl 2009. But you're not just a seduction raconteur, you're also very humanitarian with others that genuinely need a good time, a great meal, some good loving' and some spare change. Hey, Santa: Come on over to my house, pretty please! Unresolved, powerful undercurrents that are laced with frustration and anger emerge late in the month. You wrack your brains trying to figure out a way to make things right, but seem to come up with zeroes. A new Moon in Taurus lights a few sparks, ideas and magic that bring elements and people together in perfect alchemy. The ideas you've searched for turn out to be a group endeavor – a wondrous one, at that.

Monthly touchstone: Moonstone.

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