Aries Monthly Horoscope May 2009 | Astrology Zodiac Sign: Aries

(Mar 20 - Apr 19)

A number of things stand out about May. For starters, Mercury is retrograde from the 7th through the 30th, but inconveniently remains in its storm period until June 9th. So decision making must be done with great caution, thought and patience. If possible, make choices before May 7th or after June 9th. That way, you'll have all the tools you need to make a smart choice.

A Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on the May 9th, reminding you to set some money aside for rainy days, vacations or repairs, etc. You're very smart around the 9th in a soothsayer sort of way. You feel guided by unseen hands and spirits and do not feel alone, even when you are. You're inspired during this lunation, capable of finally understanding the genesis of a problem and the reason why someone behaves the way he or she does. It comes to you like a thunderbolt – without advance notice. Despite Mercury's clumsy retro phase, you accomplish a great deal and learn a lot about siblings, close friends and a handful of close colleagues – probably fascinating facts that you'd never been aware of.

For those of you planning on making a big-ticket purchase (car, house, etc.) either complete the purchase and paperwork before May 7th or wait until after June 9th. Even if you complete the paperwork prior to the 7th, there may be shipping or delivery problems as well as other delays. On the 16th, Saturn finally goes direct, giving you a clear view of what lies ahead regarding employment, housing and health interests. Some dreams may need to be toned down a little, but others get a bright green light. Just remember to not officially launch a business or event until after June 9th. Do the planning and take care of details between now and then. The 17th and 18th open your heart and mind to another's circumstances. You know how he or she must feel. You totally empathize with this person. Simply becoming aware of what another is experiencing is an eye-opening event for you.

On the 20th, the Sun enters Gemini, making you more chatty and convivial. The only complication is that you might exaggerate or gloss over the facts while describing a situation. The 21st - 27th is a very affectionate, caring, generous phase for you. You bend over backward in order to help another. You are the brains and muscle behind a good cause, fundraiser or consciousness-raising event. During the next couple weeks, you're likely to see strong indicators of progress. So keep your positive energy flowing. Remember, you get what you give. You're a star on the 26th and 27th, and stand out among friends, family and competitors. You instinctively know how to manage a situation that has defied any intervention in the past. You clearly have a gift for healing and compassion.

The 29th sends Neptune into a retro phase that lasts until November 4th. This is preparation time for landing a new job, getting additional training, considering the possibility of relocating, and getting all the excellent advice you can get your hands on. On the 31st, Mars (your ruling planet) moves into Taurus, suggesting that certain unavoidable expenses, debts or payments may come due. Take a big gulp and take care of it as soon as possible.

Monthly touchstone: Green Garnet

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