Pisces Monthly Horoscope May 2009 | Astrology Zodiac Sign: Pisces

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

During the first three days in May, you recognize that the some of the goals you've set may need to be temporarily postponed until later. This may be due to financial or emotional considerations. At any rate, you don't feel as free to come and go as you please during the first three days. Things improve dramatically on the 5th.

The 7th, however, begins a long Mercury retro phase that officially ends on the 30th, but continues to roil the waters (thanks to its 'storm' period) until June 9th. This will be both good and not so good. For example, you'll be loads more psychic than you already are - can you even imagine? But, you may also have more trouble with nuts and bolts reality. You might forget to turn off the stove, bathtub spigot, or misplace your keys. The automatic things you've done all your life may suddenly become stumbling blocks. The mysteries and creative elements of life are easier and come more naturally to you.

On May 9th, a Full Moon falls in your solar 9th house, making travel plans in the not too distant future look awfully good. Some of you may decide to go back to school or take a sabbatical. A few of you self-teach yourself a new language. You're an amazing interpreter of others' intentions and can sift through all the confusion and figure out what another is actually trying to say.

On the 16th, Saturn goes direct, clearing up any misunderstanding in a business or personal relationship. This will help you weed out pointless connections from ones you'd like to keep in your active file. Some confusion or misunderstanding is likely on the 17th and 18th.

The 20th, however, helps establish important goals and priorities. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a long list of duties, you put things in a sensible order.

The 21st through 27th offer you a fresh start on so many levels. Some of you give a former friend one more chance. Some of you renew your vows or reconnect with a long-lost family member. The study of genealogy may intrigue you. Mars moves into Taurus on the 31st until mid summer. This makes you restless and shortens your attention span. During this phase, you'll be better at brief part-time activities than long, involved jobs or chores.

Monthly touchstone: Moonstone

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